To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I am the WORST blogger on the planet lately.

Sorry. I have been busy. Lame excuse.

But, I wanted to take a minute to blog about something awesome.  Yomi.  She is the little girl I "mentor".  Which is awesome, because ever since I got released from Young Womens at church, I miss being a teenager!  And, she let's me be one again. 

I recently became a member of a fantastic organization called America On-Track.  It's a non-profit organization that sets up children of an incarcerated parent(s) with a mentor to help steer their lives in a better direction, as 70% of all children of prisioners end up in prisions themselves.  I am a mentor (don't laugh) to the sweetest little 15-year-old girl name Yomira Martinez.  She's smart and fun and I love spending time with her.  Unfortunately, she hasn't had the most stable home life.  I have loved being able to be a fun person for her to be around, a listening ear, and a stable consistent presence in her life.

I don't think I have fundraised for anything since I was in Girl Scouts, but this is such a great cause, I couldn't help but want to assist their efforts to change lives.  On September 27th, I will be riding on the Carousel of Possible Dreams at South Coast Plaza to help raise funds to help fulfill a Possible Dream that will help children and families in the area.  I have taken on the challenge to jump on the carousel and help my team meet its fundraising goal to make this dream a reality. With your help, my team can do it.

To make a donation, click on the Support button.  Your donation will go straight to America On-Track to continue to support funding for this fantastic organization.  You can donate as little or a much as you desire.  Every little bit will help me reach my goal.  All donations are tax deductible.
I would love any and all support anyone wants to give.

But, if you just want to look at a picture of this sweet little girl I have the privilege of hanging out with, I will let you do that too.

Isn't she so super cute?!?