To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, May 30, 2008

Meet Mrs. Gray!

I took this candid photo with my own two hands... I LOVE it... what can I say, I am proud!!!

I get made fun of a lot... I mean a lot...

about so many different things... but the one that I am going to talk about today is that I say "one of my best friends" and APPARENTLY there are all together too many of these "best friends". What can I say??? I have a lot of friends...

These are my girls... Melanie and Ruthie were my roommates right before I came back to Cali... and Mel was t times before that too!

I mean I am RIDICULOUSLY popular!

You all know it!

Mel asked me to do her make-up... I think I did a bang up job... she looked B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. Ok, so maybe that was just her!

But, this REALLY is one of my very dearest friends in all the world. We've known each other since we were babies... OK 20... seems like we were babies.

If my parents die, the Fairbanks are going to adopt me. I LOVE them all like they are mine own family.

This is Mel with her little nieces.

So, this wedding was extra special to me.

Ms. Melanie Fairbanks became Mrs. Melanie Gray.

And, she couldn't have picked a better husband! I HEART Chad... he's RAD! (That rhymed!)

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