To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, August 16, 2012


I am the WORST blogger on the planet lately.

Sorry. I have been busy. Lame excuse.

But, I wanted to take a minute to blog about something awesome.  Yomi.  She is the little girl I "mentor".  Which is awesome, because ever since I got released from Young Womens at church, I miss being a teenager!  And, she let's me be one again. 

I recently became a member of a fantastic organization called America On-Track.  It's a non-profit organization that sets up children of an incarcerated parent(s) with a mentor to help steer their lives in a better direction, as 70% of all children of prisioners end up in prisions themselves.  I am a mentor (don't laugh) to the sweetest little 15-year-old girl name Yomira Martinez.  She's smart and fun and I love spending time with her.  Unfortunately, she hasn't had the most stable home life.  I have loved being able to be a fun person for her to be around, a listening ear, and a stable consistent presence in her life.

I don't think I have fundraised for anything since I was in Girl Scouts, but this is such a great cause, I couldn't help but want to assist their efforts to change lives.  On September 27th, I will be riding on the Carousel of Possible Dreams at South Coast Plaza to help raise funds to help fulfill a Possible Dream that will help children and families in the area.  I have taken on the challenge to jump on the carousel and help my team meet its fundraising goal to make this dream a reality. With your help, my team can do it.

To make a donation, click on the Support button.  Your donation will go straight to America On-Track to continue to support funding for this fantastic organization.  You can donate as little or a much as you desire.  Every little bit will help me reach my goal.  All donations are tax deductible.
I would love any and all support anyone wants to give.

But, if you just want to look at a picture of this sweet little girl I have the privilege of hanging out with, I will let you do that too.

Isn't she so super cute?!?

1 comment: said...

oh my ali you are such a great example. And i heard i missed you in relief society last week!!!! bummer!!!!! how are you??? I miss you my exercise/talking buddy! Here i sit in st george with a sleeping husband next to me...mindless history channel as some noise and browsing on the web. it is just us this weekend so we can do what we please. so what maybe we have slept more than we have been awake. that's the point of vacations right? sleep, eat, sleep, be hot, sleep, eat. we have not attempted to do any sort of exercise but when we drive by bluff street i think of you and our marathon training!! love you xoxoxoxo we need to talk:):):)