To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Not missing much...

I haven't blogged all week.

But, here's what you have all missed...

All I do is eat fudgesicles (all day... all night...)

The end.

P.S. They ARE sugarfree (but, I doubt that's helping with the quantity I am eating).


Party of Five said...

When Chris and I went on the South Beach diet a few years ago, we went nuts on the blue bunny sugar free fudgesicles! They were they only thing that made us feel better because we couldn't eat anything else!

Michele said...

Love it! You're so who I want to be when I grow up.) :)

Ali B. said...

Michele! Aim higher! Seriously!!! Much higher! How are you? How is Boston? Are you loving it? My brother sure does miss you! I hope all is well!