To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Uh oh...

Shahana (I am 96% sure this is ACTUALLY her name), my personal trainer, came in this morning to get my butt (and arms, back, thighs and abs) in shape. It's been 2 weeks and it's already getting hard for me to come in early (and when I say early - it's not even that early - 7 A.M.).

Anyway, it's usually around 6 A.M. when I pack my bag of tricks and clothes to get ready at work. Well, I remember packing my make-up bag, but CLEARLY I didn't actually take it with me, which is tragic.

So far today here are the totals:

"Are you sick?" - 3
"Are you tired or something, you look like you're still asleep?!?" - 4

I TOTALLY knew my mom and Cori were both lying on those occasions they told me that I look fine without make-up.

Leave it to the men I work with to be brutally honest. They are kind of like children (in so many ways) - they just tell you how it is!

But, I guess that means I REALLY do have great legs! - Ha ha ha...

1 comment:

Ali B. said...

Update - I would like to thank Ulta in the Chino Spectrum for letting me put make-up samples* all over my face on my lunch break.

New Totals (post lunch):

Are you sick? - 0
Are you tired? - 0
Are you a street walker? - 1

*There is a slight possibility that said make-up samples were a bit dark?